Wednesday 26 July 2017

My development of installation on terms of research and the trip to Birmingham

On one of my previous blog posts about installation with research and my understanding of it, shows images of compositions using light, which I found really interesting. I also love how it hangs from the ceiling and the figure standing below puts everything into perspective which emphasises the sheer size of the installation, and I think scale is one of the most important factors for a piece like this:

During my trip to Birmingham I had this piece in mind as I was looking around - not necessarily the galleries but mainly the city of Birmingham itself as it has some amazing sights of old beautiful buildings. Despite this, the most interesting and relatable thing I found to installation (well specifically this piece) was actually a rather new addition to the shopping centre. 

It was the ceiling lights in the mall that caught my eye. from directly below they didn't look like much but at a higher angle I managed to create a collection of them which meant some of them connected, this made them form one single composition. This discovery also made me consider how different angles can create different prospective for the audience so I can try and incorporate this into my own art work. This also made me realise that anything can become a piece of art just by looking at it differently.

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