Wednesday 20 December 2017

Concluding and reaching my final outcome

After looking at my experiments as a whole and considering the mostly unsuccessful canvas compositions I thought it would only be appropriate to resort back to using some form paper. Except, this time using paper out of sketch books and in much different sizes, both larger and smaller.

I began with creating compositions individually on single pieces of paper;

I created this first piece by building up layers, firstly with an orange acrylic and PVA glue background created through brush strokes. Then once this was slightly dry I added the colour I thought was best contrasting - blue.

Once this had dried, it appeared slightly transparent and extremely dark. Despite the darker shade adding more contrast against the bright orange, it wasn't what I was going for as I intended to show a vibrant palette. Considering this I added yet another layer using blue acrylic and PVA glue again except this time with white acrylic to ensure the colour stays vibrant. This dried really well as you can see from the photograph.

After this I created two more as they went so well using the same technique, although they all turned out really unique to one another.

 Although the colours and textures  worked really well together, there was one major issue which declined the quality of these compositions massively. This was the way that once the pieces had dried, the paper appeared crinkly. In order to fix this problem, I didn't change any of my materials, I simply just applied the paper to gum tape on wood board.

Here you can see that once I attached the different sized pieces of paper to the board with gum tape I covered it with a really thin, watered down layer of white acrylic paint in order to create a base layer over the paper.

After this I used a squeegee with green acrylic and PVA for a light was background. I did this with all the pieces using different colours which I have practiced excessively throughout experiments.

Once all of the backgrounds were dry I then applied the top layer but ensuring that I added small amounts of white acrylic for less transparency. I allowed the PVA  glue to drip own with some coming right off the page completely. I did this in attempt to subtly connect the different compositions. 

My initial idea for my final piece presentation was to have all four compositions pinned together on the wall, connected through drips. Unfortunately, two of the pieces weren't completely dry so I wasn't able to put them all up together but I still did two in order to get a brief idea of what it would look like as a whole.

Here you can see how less crinkly the paper is because it is only really affected during large areas on the PVA glue and acrylic mixtures. Therefore I think the gum tape on board was as success as it could have been.  

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