Saturday 5 August 2017

Analysing Peers work (finding the meaning)

During this lesson we looked at each others work that was up on the wall in pairs and tried to unpick a meaning that we thought was relevant. Firstly we chose one of Callum's compositions which contained a photograph of a vicious looking leopard overlapped upon the face of a human. We thought that the distressed, dark colours over this vibrant animals face could suggest the suppressant of ones fiery personality due to them being put in a depressing, intimidating and dominated situation such as an abusive relationship. To support this we thought that the movement of the slanted photograph along with brush strokes that crated claw like marks, implies that this person is trying to escape from the entrapment. Further supporting this is the colour scheme of a dark photograph background corresponding with the bright white strokes drawn over it, this is significant because it could show the position they are in - currently in the darkness and hopelessly reaching towards the light at the end of the tunnel. In conclusion I think this composition demonstrates a desperate cry for help.
Here are some images of the process in which we all pinned up our own pieces in a place that we thought was most suitable to emphasise colours, textures or meanings.

Callum's composition wasn't the only one we evaluated, we also talked about Chelsea's work in my pair, which is pointed out in the photo above as the higher up one. And below that is one of Callum's pieces that I've previously spoken about.

Chelsea's piece, as you can see from the picture is very different to Callum's. It involves a collection of much lighter tones which gives it a brighter vibe. Due to this we found it much harder to discover a meaning behind the work because there wasn't much diversity or contrast, despite this we managed to figure out somethings, for example, in the centre there is a section that's thicker and has been stuck over to tip of the original canvas which we thought could imply that there is something hidden behind or it's there to cover up a secret of some kind which gives an element of mystery about the composition. As well as this, because the colours are quite bright and neutral, it gives off a feel of earthy tones which could suggest a representation of nature but despite this the palette doesn't have a specific highlight which I think would really improve the overall piece.

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