Sunday 5 November 2017

Getting back into blogging

During the period of time between my last blog post about my holiday to Tenerife and now, I have been trying a different type of analysis technique within my sketchbook. Although it has been working okay for me, I feel like my notes are more brief whereas on blogger I am able to get a better perspective of everything by overviewing my work as a whole, and picking out the parts I want to move forward with as well as what I'm not keen on. Considering this I want to talk about my current new project.

Initial personal investigation idea

Following on from my holiday in Tenerife, I decided to look more closely into my previous work, where I found a link to the experimental piece that I had created earlier in the year.

I wrote a blog post about this piece and the meaning that the volcanic rock had behind it. The reason it became more relevant and linked is due to the sand on my Tenerife holiday also being black and volcanic.

Therefore I decided to continue into the idea of Fogo Island's volcanic eruption for my personal investigation as I felt the subject was close to me and I also had more evidence back up from a really recent visit to a volcanic sand beach.

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